Stay Cool, Grow a Full Beard.

Many men believe that growing a beard in the winter will keep them warmer in frigid temperatures, I mean, this is where the idea of no shave November came about.  So arguably many men shave their beards for the summer thinking it will keep them cooler. But what if I told you that rocking a full beard year round is beneficial for your face? 

In the frigid cold your full beard won’t actually keep you warmer, but it will act as a wind barrier from the icy cut of a sharp, wintery gust. In the heat of the summer your beard protects your face from up to 98% of harmful UV radiation.  Cancer who?  Your beard actually keeps you cooler in the summer. As crazy as that sounds, let me explain. 

Your pores release sweat when it’s hot.  The purpose of sweat?  To regulate your temperature.  Sweat helps keep you cooler. If you have a beard, that moisture is sitting close to your skin and every time a summer breeze ruffles your beard it will feel like a refreshing air-conditioned blast to your face.  

A study in China with 100 participants revealed that on average bearded men’s upper lips were only 1 degree warmer than their hairless counterparts.  I don’t know about you, but 1 degree isn’t convincing enough to get rid of my glorious beard that’s also protecting me from skin cancer this summer. 

With heat and sweat beard care is of the utmost importance.  Make sure you are washing your beard daily and keep it moisturized with quality beard oil like our all natural, pharmacist developed oil.


Why Should I Brush My Beard?


Harmful Beard Habits Pt. 4